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I am Covid-19

Jenni Ho-Huan
3 min readMar 18, 2020


Well, that’s what you chose to call me — to differentiate me from my weaker cousins labeled by you as the variants of Influenza.

What’s in a name — only that is is feared.

I do what I am meant to do.

It’s laughable to me that you don’t do what you are meant to do:

take me seriously

take life seriously

O well, now that microscopic me is alive and abroad, why don’t I let you in on some realties:

1. To me, you are all the same.

I don’t know why you would think otherwise. I‌ hear scoffing and disdain which made my advance that much easier.

2. I’m just looking for a home to colonise (had to borrow your language)

I am a living thing and I want to live. Again, why don’t you?

3. I’m heedless and heartless (but I understand you are not {supposed to be})

Morals ain’t my thing. You humans are supposed to be higher order beings, and yes I have witnessed some of it, especially in healthcare facilities — this thing called sacrifice. But there are specimens of your kind that grant us wonderful passage. A special shoutout to the thousands who sneak away before any stay-home-order or lockdown, effectively introducing us to new dwelling places.

4. You don’t really know me yet

My lips, if I have any, are sealed. Self-disclosure isn’t my thing. It seems, you humans aren’t too great with it either. I laugh each time I hear how garbled your numbers are.

5. Like you, I like to travel and enjoy all sorts of hosts, totally careless about my ‘footprint’ & impact

I hear so much whining about being at home and all… your kind is really restless. So by right, you should understand my need to keep advancing, and (ah that nuance word again) colonise. In fact, if you did not try to suck life’s marrow dry with your rampant consumer habits, I (and all my future tribe) wouldn’t be quite so successful.

6. I’m “sorry” about your old and vulnerable, but again you don’t seem to value them anyway

One word: tragic. But hey, who am I, a virus to judge?

7. I am humoured by stupidity

And we know nothing adds life like humour.

8. As long as you care only for individual selves, I win- coz u forget how interdependent you are. Hahaha!

So apparently some think the isolation, work from home et al. are invasions of personal privacy… really? I just invaded your privacy and you had no idea. O‌ my, what’s wrong with you humans?

Lockdowns are no fun for me, nor you.

9. I have no comment re toilet paper.

10. I admit: there’s this thing called Prayer that bothers me.

But it’s not a science and hey, you have your faith, I have mine.

P.S. You probably cannot completely wipe me off the face of the earth. But you seem quite able to do that to each other, without my help actually. So maybe think on that too. While at it, grab a good book, like BE STILL AND KNOW — treasures from silence to transform your life (



Jenni Ho-Huan
Jenni Ho-Huan

Written by Jenni Ho-Huan

feline lover sniffing for Beauty Truth and Love

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